Topic: Systems/Chaos theory

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๐Ÿ”— Burning Ship Fractal

๐Ÿ”— Systems ๐Ÿ”— Systems/Chaos theory

The Burning Ship fractal, first described and created by Michael Michelitsch and Otto E. Rรถssler in 1992, is generated by iterating the function:

z n + 1 = ( | Re โก ( z n ) | + i | Im โก ( z n ) | ) 2 + c , z 0 = 0 {\displaystyle z_{n+1}=(|\operatorname {Re} \left(z_{n}\right)|+i|\operatorname {Im} \left(z_{n}\right)|)^{2}+c,\quad z_{0}=0}

in the complex plane C {\displaystyle \mathbb {C} } which will either escape or remain bounded. The difference between this calculation and that for the Mandelbrot set is that the real and imaginary components are set to their respective absolute values before squaring at each iteration. The mapping is non-analytic because its real and imaginary parts do not obey the Cauchyโ€“Riemann equations.

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๐Ÿ”— Digital sundial

๐Ÿ”— Systems ๐Ÿ”— Time ๐Ÿ”— Systems/Chaos theory

A digital sundial is a clock that indicates the current time with numerals formed by the sunlight striking it. Like a classical sundial, the device contains no moving parts. It uses no electricity nor other manufactured sources of energy. The digital display changes as the sun advances in its daily course.

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๐Ÿ”— Cantor function, a.k.a. devil's staircase: increasing function with 0 derivative

๐Ÿ”— Mathematics ๐Ÿ”— Systems ๐Ÿ”— Systems/Chaos theory

In mathematics, the Cantor function is an example of a function that is continuous, but not absolutely continuous. It is a notorious counterexample in analysis, because it challenges naive intuitions about continuity, derivative, and measure. Though it is continuous everywhere and has zero derivative almost everywhere, its value still goes from 0 to 1 as its argument reaches from 0 to 1. Thus, in one sense the function seems very much like a constant one which cannot grow, and in another, it does indeed monotonically grow, by construction.

It is also referred to as the Cantor ternary function, the Lebesgue function, Lebesgue's singular function, the Cantorโ€“Vitali function, the Devil's staircase, the Cantor staircase function, and the Cantorโ€“Lebesgue function. Georg Cantorย (1884) introduced the Cantor function and mentioned that Scheeffer pointed out that it was a counterexample to an extension of the fundamental theorem of calculus claimed by Harnack. The Cantor function was discussed and popularized by Scheeffer (1884), Lebesgue (1904) and Vitali (1905).

๐Ÿ”— Lakes of Wada

๐Ÿ”— Systems ๐Ÿ”— Systems/Chaos theory

In mathematics, the lakes of Wada (ๅ’Œ็”ฐใฎๆน–, Wada no mizuumi) are three disjoint connected open sets of the plane or open unit square with the counterintuitive property that they all have the same boundary. In other words, for any point selected on the boundary of one of the lakes, the other two lakes' boundaries also contain that point.

More than two sets with the same boundary are said to have the Wada property; examples include Wada basins in dynamical systems. This property is rare in real-world systems.

The lakes of Wada were introduced by Kunizล Yoneyamaย (1917,โ€‚page 60), who credited the discovery to Takeo Wada. His construction is similar to the construction by Brouwer (1910) of an indecomposable continuum, and in fact it is possible for the common boundary of the three sets to be an indecomposable continuum.

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๐Ÿ”— Hofstadter's butterfly

๐Ÿ”— Physics ๐Ÿ”— Systems ๐Ÿ”— Systems/Chaos theory

In condensed matter physics, Hofstadter's butterfly describes the spectral properties of non-interacting two dimensional electrons in a magnetic field. The fractal, self-similar, nature of the spectrum was discovered in the 1976 Ph.D. work of Douglas Hofstadter and is one of the early examples of computer graphics. The name reflects the visual resemblance of the figure on the right to a swarm of butterflies flying to infinity.

The Hofstadter butterfly plays an important role in the theory of the integer quantum Hall effect, and D.J. Thouless has been awarded the Nobel prize in physics in 2016 for the discovery that the wings of the butterfly are characterized by Chern integers, the quantized Hall conductances discovered in 1980 by Klaus von Klitzing for which he has been awarded the Nobel prize in 1985. The colors in the diagram reflect the different Chern numbers.

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๐Ÿ”— Fractal Interpolation

๐Ÿ”— Mathematics ๐Ÿ”— Systems ๐Ÿ”— Systems/Chaos theory

Fractal compression is a lossy compression method for digital images, based on fractals. The method is best suited for textures and natural images, relying on the fact that parts of an image often resemble other parts of the same image. Fractal algorithms convert these parts into mathematical data called "fractal codes" which are used to recreate the encoded image.

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๐Ÿ”— Menger Sponge

๐Ÿ”— Systems ๐Ÿ”— Systems/Chaos theory

In mathematics, the Menger sponge (also known as the Menger cube, Menger universal curve, Sierpinski cube, or Sierpinski sponge) is a fractal curve. It is a three-dimensional generalization of the one-dimensional Cantor set and two-dimensional Sierpinski carpet. It was first described by Karl Menger in 1926, in his studies of the concept of topological dimension.

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๐Ÿ”— Weierstrass Function

๐Ÿ”— Mathematics ๐Ÿ”— Systems ๐Ÿ”— Systems/Chaos theory

In mathematics, the Weierstrass function is an example of a real-valued function that is continuous everywhere but differentiable nowhere. It is an example of a fractal curve. It is named after its discoverer Karl Weierstrass.

The Weierstrass function has historically served the role of a pathological function, being the first published example (1872) specifically concocted to challenge the notion that every continuous function is differentiable except on a set of isolated points. Weierstrass's demonstration that continuity did not imply almost-everywhere differentiability upended mathematics, overturning several proofs that relied on geometric intuition and vague definitions of smoothness. These types of functions were denounced by contemporaries: Henri Poincarรฉ famously described them as "monsters" and called Weierstrass' work "an outrage against common sense", while Charles Hermite wrote that they were a "lamentable scourge". The functions were difficult to visualize until the arrival of computers in the next century, and the results did not gain wide acceptance until practical applications such as models of Brownian motion necessitated infinitely jagged functions (nowadays known as fractal curves).

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