Topic: Horse racing

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🔗 Potoooooooo

🔗 Horse racing

Potoooooooo or variations of Pot-8-Os (1773 – November 1800) was an 18th-century thoroughbred racehorse who won over 30 races and defeated some of the greatest racehorses of the time. He went on to be a sire. He is now best known for the unusual spelling of his name, pronounced 'Potatoes'.

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🔗 Poppy Seed Defence

🔗 Medicine 🔗 Athletics 🔗 Food and drink 🔗 Medicine/Toxicology 🔗 Sports 🔗 Horse racing

The poppy seed defence is a commonly cited reason to avoid any sanction for failing a drug test. The defence asserts that a suspect's positive result was a result of the person having consumed poppy seeds prior to taking the test. It has been recognised in medical and legal fields as a valid defence.