πŸ”— The Forme of Cury

πŸ”— Books πŸ”— England πŸ”— Middle Ages πŸ”— Middle Ages/History πŸ”— Food and drink

The Forme of Cury (The Method of Cooking, cury from Middle French cuire: 'to cook') is an extensive 14th-century collection of medieval English recipes. Although the original manuscript is lost, the text appears in nine manuscripts, the most famous in the form of a scroll with a headnote citing it as the work of "the chief Master Cooks of KingΒ RichardΒ II". The name The Forme of Cury is generally used for the family of recipes rather than any single manuscript text. It is among the oldest extant English cookery books, and the earliest known to mention olive oil, gourds, and spices such as mace and cloves.

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